Venn Classic
By Darren Riches & Steve Palmer
5-20 Minutes
2-8 Players
4/5 Difficulty
The deck has 48 cards. There are 3 types of card and each has a Venn diagram of two different coloured circles. The overlapping circles create a third colour forming the inner and outer colours.

The 3 different Venn cards.
The starting player chooses one of the inner or outer colours, and a number of cards from one to six. For example:
“Red round, four cards”
Each player must then place that number of cards from their hand face down in front of them, side-by-side in a row; these are called the placed cards.
If players have any cards remaining, these are stacked face down into the player’s stale pile, and they play no further part in the round.
Once all players are ready, the starting player begins the bidding.

An example of a two card round with two placed cards and a stale pile.
— Bidding
The starting player opens the bidding by declaring how many cards of the chosen colour they will find. For example:
“I can find two reds”
Once bidding is open, any player, in any order, can raise the bid or pass. A player raising the bid declares how many cards containing the chosen colour they think they can find. For example:
“I can find four reds”
Bidding continues until there are no more raises; the highest bidder will begin the challenge.
— Pushing
This is where bluffing skills are required, and where games are won and lost.
Each time a player bids, they have the option of simultaneously pushing forward any number of their placed cards into their pushed cards row.
Pushing a card forward suggests that it contains the chosen colour – but it may not!

An example of a two card round with one pushed card, one placed card and a stale pile.
When all other players have passed, the highest bidder becomes the challenger. They must turn over the number of cards they bid for, and each card must contain the chosen colour. Cards must be turned over one at a time.
The challenger must first turn over their own pushed cards, if any, after which they can continue to turn over any of the other players’ pushed or placed cards.
The challenger succeeds if they turn over the required number of cards, all containing the chosen colour.
The challenger fails if they turn over any card that does not contain the chosen colour; if this happens they don’t turn over any more cards.
After the challenge is complete, all players pick up their placed, pushed and stale cards, and return them to their hand.
If the challenger was successful, all other players lose two cards into their discard pile. Otherwise, the challenger loses two cards into their discard pile.
– or –
Cards can be recovered, once per player per game. A successful challenger may retrieve two cards from their discard pile. Otherwise, the player that caused the challenger to fail may retrieve two cards from their own discard pile. If cards are recovered, no other players lose cards.
— End the round
Players who have lost all their cards are out of the game.
If there is only one player left with cards in their hand, they are declared victorious!
Otherwise, the player to the left of the previous starting player starts the next round.